The City of Clearfield:

More Taxes, Less Property Rights!

The Facts: Let's Be Clear

Let our county commissioners know what you think about higher taxes and more regulations on your property.

Many of us decide to live in rural Douglas County for the freedom of having our own property, deciding what structures we want to build, what animals we want to raise and what crops we want to farm.

Establishing the “City of Clearfield” will infringe on the property rights of responsible landowners like yourself and give those powers to bureaucrats. In the middle of record gas and food prices, Clearfield will have to either pay

the county to perform basic services or fund those services themselves.

Either way, incorporation leads to significant, new taxes for you.


  • The new Clearfield would be the 13th largest city in Kansas by geographic area.
  • The budget for cities with a population near Clearfield is almost $1M annually - roughly $2500 for every man, woman, and child in the land grab area.
  • This attempt is unprecedented, in that no incorporated city in Kansas comes anywhere close to being as small per capita than the proposed Clearfield “city”.

Taken directly from the ‘Petition for Incorporation” submitted to the County Commission:

  • “The proposed new government will gain new power over more than 18.2 square miles, over half the size of the city of Lawrence and more than 3 times the size of Edgerton.”
  • “Clearfield Incorporation will establish our own government.”
  • “Our Incorporated city will have additional powers.”
  • Our city will adopt “planning and zoning regulations for controlled land use.”


clearfield kansas city limits

The city limits of Clearfield are three times the size of nearby Edgerton, who has a city budget of more than $4 MILLION.

  • QUESTION: Where will the new leaders of Clearfield get the money to fund their massive new government?

ANSWER: From everyone in the grey box.

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